Surgical prosthetic equipment can be used to replace missing limbs or diseased organs. The most common replacements are artificial eyes, arms, hands, and legs; but some devices also serve as temporary substitutes for organs that can't be replaced with organ transplants. Some are designed to help people during open-heart surgery, or to replace...

Surgical prosthetic equipment is used to replace a body part that has been lost. It can be used for cosmetic reasons (to hide injuries and disfigurements), or to replace a missing function in the body, such as eyes, arms, hands or legs. Some prostheses are used to help a person with cancer feel more confident and comfortable in their appearance....

Prosthetics and orthotics are allied health sciences that focus on the design, fabrication and fitting of artificial limbs (prostheses) and orthopedic braces (orthoses). The bionics companies Philadelphia helps people who have lost a limb or suffered an orthopedic impairment, regain mobility, independence and quality of life.


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